The EAP believe that every citizen of Australia has the right to an equal and thorough education, provided via access to a world-class education system – regardless of their financial situation.
The education system would be fully funded from pre-school through to tertiary education via the Government through the changes proposed to the current Taxation system. This investment in the future generations will lead to all citizens benefitting through advancements in all fields of endeavour.
A National curriculum in schools has already been put into place, and it is only right that this is fully supported and developed. The EAP support the full rollout of the Gonski Report recommendations to better support the ongoing operations of schools, and the delivery of the highest possible standard of education to our children.
Private schools and private education providers will continue to receive a government subsidy for each student educated within their institutions, but this subsidy will be at a proportionally reduced rate to the figure paid to public education providers. These revised subsidies will be based upon the level of external fees paid to the schools, and shall include a cutoff point (to be determined) which will be implemented where funding shall cease completely.
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