
Donate to Equal Australia Party

The Equal Australia Party is completely self-funded by the Founder of the Party, and we charge no fees whatsoever to be a member.

As we grow more time and cost is involved in the operation of the Party, and so voluntary donations are gratefully accepted.

Currently the EAP does not yet have a bank account, and is unable to accept direct donations.

Any contributions to assist in supporting the party and its activities at present can only be made directly to the Founder for use as required, however all funds donated will be recorded, accounted for, and reported to ensure transparency.

Donations can be made to :

Acct name :                               Alan Howell

BSB # :                                         704 – 191

Account number :                  155068

Bank :                                          Bank First

*** Please ensure all donations are clearly indicated as donations to the EAP in the reference comment field ***

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