The Equal Australia Party believes that we are a young, vibrant nation – rich in resources both natural and human – growing in stature internationally through Science, Business, the Arts, and Sport.
We are a small country by population, but a large country by geography, yet we find ourselves fortunate in the opportunity to be able to make significant changes in all aspects of our lives through our national policies, and to demonstrate to the world just what is possible when a nation unites as one to create a better future for all.
None of this will be possible in our lifetime without a concerted effort by all Australians to move forward and grow, to contribute and develop, and to work hard and achieve.
We believe our policies are aimed to manufacture the best possible outcomes for all Australians now, and to ensure a growing, healthy, and progressive land for our children and our children’s children – for ALL future generations.

Enforcement of the passing on of interest rate variations as made periodically by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) will be one primary focus of this policy to ensure ‘fair play’ for all consumers.
The findings and recommendations of the Financial Sector Royal Commission will be reviewed, and decisions made as to whether any of Australia’s financial services entities have engaged in misconduct, and if criminal or other legal proceedings should be referred to the Commonwealth.
The creation of an Australian Development Bank will be investigated with a view towards providing funding for environmental, medical, and technological research and development, as well as creating a source of accessible and affordable housing funding for all citizens.
Effective and beneficial use of Superannuation funds for primary housing acquisition and the development of financial reserves for retirement will likewise be investigated and assessed.

As a basis for the drafting of our Bill Of Rights, we would reference the Parliamentary Bills raised in 2017 & 2019 specifically for the introduction of a Bill Of Rights in Australia.
Some consideration of the items included in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights would also be assessed for inclusion.
The specific rights to be assigned will be determined and listed for public assessment. Once a final list of items can be agreed upon, it will be put to the combined will of the Australian people via an e-Referendum.
Both forms of this plant offer significant benefits to mankind in general, yet for commercial and competitive purposes it has been vilified and banned over the past century.

Hemp farming is a growing industry worldwide for sound commercial, health-related, and ecologically-friendly reasons.
Hemp contains virtually zero active compounds meaning that it is no different to any other grains such as oats, rice, or wheat in terms of narcotic effects.
Ecologically it is a crop that needs virtually no pesticides to grow to a commercial standard, uses significantly less water than most crops, produces a greater volume of product per hectare, and provides a natural product that is fully biodegradable.
It also puts essential nutrients back INTO the ground rather than consumes them as many other crops do.
The largest opponents of the hemp industry have always been the cotton and timber industries, as hemp is easier and cheaper to grow, has a far wider range of use, and produces a stronger and more versatile final product which would significantly impact upon their production and profits.
Hemp has been used in civilisations for thousands of years, in fact, seeds were first brought to Australia with the First Fleet to provide the new colony with a fast-growing, hardy crop that could be used to make, cloth, sails, and rope.

Currently, paper manufacturing consumes approximately one-third of the 4 billion + trees cut down worldwide annually.
Hemp produces 4 times the amount of pulp per acre compared to trees, has a far higher cellulose content (70-85% v 30%) which requires far less chemical processing.
It also produces a usable crop every 4 months (20 – 80 years for trees), and can be recycled up to 8 times (3 times for wood pulp-produced paper).
Hemp hurd (the inner core of the stalk) is also used in paper manufacturing, and as an effective and natural additive to building products such as concrete and insulation.

Marijuana comes from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica species and contains three active compounds – THC, CBD, and CBN.
Medical marijuana is used for treating pain, nausea, muscle spasms, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, low appetite, sleep problems, autism, epilepsy (seizure disorders), Parkinson's Disease, and other conditions.
Research is limited at present, but studies of the endocannabinoid system suggest that the health benefits of medical marijuana include relief from pain and muscle spasm, nausea associated with chemotherapy, and anorexia.
These benefits are seen in improvements to immune function, neuroplasticity, emotional and mood regulation, vascular health, and digestive function.

The Equal Australia Party will ensure that the legalisation and regulation of the hemp and cannabis industries within the commercial and medicinal fields will be fully assessed, developed, and prioritised.

To this end, we propose that Australia asks of its people to ratify our international status as a strong and independent country with its own mind and intent.
Our goal is to reinstate the original Australian Constitution – with some modification – and to resume our position as the true Commonwealth of Australia as originally enacted under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (1901), authorised by the British Parliament, and approved by Royal Consent.
There is one change that the EAP would propose - it is that the original Australian Constitution abdicates ultimate control and the power of veto unto the Queen of England and her successors in all matters – yet we feel that allowing the subjugation of the will of a Nations peoples by the ruler of a foreign land is not reflective of a modern independent Nation. This power would be assigned solely to the combined will of the Australian people.
This modification to our Constitution would change ourselves from a Constitutional Monarchy to a Constitutional Democracy – while still retaining our ties and traditional connections within the World at large – but solely under our own determination and control.
We intend to move out from under the straw corporation structure purporting to be the ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ as registered as a corporation in the United States of America as COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CIK#: 0000805157

The 1987 Government policy of defence self-reliance ‘gives priority to the ability to defend ourselves with our own resources.’, while also stating that we ‘develop self-reliant solutions to our unique strategic circumstances.’
This former policy acknowledges the importance of the Australian – US alliance, but emphasises Australia’s military independence to defend itself if and as needed.
In contrast, the Federal Government 2013 white paper defines our self-reliance as:
Australia’s defence policy is founded on the principle of self-reliance in deterring or defeating armed attacks on Australia, within the context of our Alliance with the United States and our cooperation with regional partners.
We believe that this later interpretation relies too heavily on the support of external forces, whereas the EAP support redefining this policy to read :
Australia’s defence policy is founded on the principle of self-reliance in deterring or defeating armed attacks on Australia, and – where required – to develop self-reliant solutions to our unique strategic circumstances. This defence will be conducted where possible in cooperation with the support of our allies and regional partners.
This policy will also focus on providing full support for returning Australian servicemen and women. We will provide access to Health, Welfare, and Repatriation services to ensure the safe return and reintegration into society of those who have defended our Country.
We will strive to ensure that the manufacture of all defense equipment for Australian Armed Forces will be retained by engaging Australian manufacturers as first choice suppliers in all possible situations.

The National Development Bank would become the secure and guaranteed default repository for Superannuation Funds for all Australians.
Education and assistance with the consolidation of multiple funds into one unified fund for each citizen will also be provided. This is to ensure that the maximum retention of funds, and the development of sufficient financial reserves for use in retirement of each individual is achieved.
Funding towards the development of new technologies, and industry creation / development in regional areas would become a priority of a National Development Bank, and will be investigated with a view towards providing ongoing funding for environmental, medical, and technological research and development, as well as ensuring a spread of investment opportunities throughout all regions of Australia.
The provision of funding will be made available to all citizens by creating a source of accessible and affordable housing financing, intended for the purchasing of a primary residence only will also be initiated.The effective and beneficial use of Superannuation funds for primary housing acquisition will likewise be investigated and assessed.
This entity would permanently remain a public institution – one that will forever operate independently of the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Treasury Department.

The education system would be fully funded from preschool through to tertiary education via the Government through the changes proposed to the current Taxation system. This investment in the future generations will lead to all citizens benefiting through advancements in all fields of endeavour.
A National curriculum in schools has already been put into place, and it is only right that this is fully supported and developed. The EAP support the full rollout of the Gonski Report recommendations to better support the ongoing operations of schools, and the delivery of the highest possible standard of education to our children.
Competent educators at all levels should be valued at a true and equal level, and to achieve this aim we propose a National alignment of wage scales for all people working within the public school structure. Private schools are free to operate outside of this structure, providing minimum standards are met.
Private schools and private education providers will continue to receive a government subsidy for each student educated within their institutions, but this subsidy will be at a proportionally reduced rate to the figure paid to public education providers. These revised subsidies will be based upon the level of external fees paid to the schools, and shall include a cutoff point (to be determined) which will be implemented where funding shall cease completely.

Any question, any debate, any important decision that faces this country as a whole can be discussed with a truly National input … and decided upon with an equally National consensus.
Our first actions will be to initiate and roll out access to a secure electronic method of registration, and therefore a secure anonymous pathway for each and every individual adult to contribute and participate in the decision making processes that will shape our great country, and guide it’s progress into and beyond the 21st century.
Besides using this method at General Elections we propose the institution of regular online referendums or ‘e-Referendums’ at regular intervals throughout the year.
The format we intend to adopt would be to have a ‘National Register of Issues’ … a forum that people anywhere can raise, record, and air subjects they feel need addressing at a national level – be it road maintenance, court sentencing, discrimination – whatever issue they wish to raise. This method of subject selection encourages people to contribute to ensure their voice is heard on the issues that they feel most strongly about.
Each item can be opened to public scrutiny via this register, and at a preordained cut off point the 2 highest rated issues will become the subjects to be decided upon at the next online referendum or ‘e-Referendum’.
We support 2 items as the optimal number of subjects voted upon, in an attempt to ensure the opportunity for clarity to be achieved and publicity to be effected on each subject raised. We propose that there be 3 e-referenda per calendar year giving us a total of 6 issues to be decided upon by a national vote each year. This in itself would be subject to alteration via the same process.
Matters that are explicitly or implicitly prohibited by the Australian Constitution, by the Courts of Law, or matters of National Security are the only items that would not be considered for this process.
The EAP believe this is the truest method of representing the collective will of all Australian citizens.
We also believe that to remove the influence of financial support being provided by entities with vested interests to select political parties, it is necessary to remove or significantly restrict all business sourced financial support for all political parties. No financial or material support can be accepted by parties from external sources that may individually benefit primarily or subsequently from the direct contributions made.
Breaches of these guidelines would fall into the category of illegal donations, and may result in the funds being forfeited, with both the donor and the party becoming subject to criminal proceedings.

In these times of financial upheaval in International finance markets, gold has always been considered a truly stable and reliable commodity – a universally accepted currency.
EAP support the repatriation of Australian gold bullion holdings from storage in foreign banks, and the retention of further gold production to regain a minimum level of at least pre 1997 holdings – an amount equal to approximately 20% of our yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
To achieve this goal we support the restriction of gold production and subsequent export of all bullion products by foreign-owned companies to be reduced to a maximum of 25% of total production until the desired level of holdings is achieved.
Once achieved a maximum of 50% of all forms of bullion produced by foreign-owned companies may be exported.
The off-shore distribution of other precious metals and stones will also be reviewed.

We propose the removal of the entire State-level political structure from the equation.
This does not include the necessary administrative or functional departments that are required to make the decisions and operate the services that are essential to each State (such as Education, Health, Emergency Services, Transport, etc.) – but the individual State parliamentary structures and processes that create a self-sustaining duplication of effort, a lack of communication, ineffective co-operation, and an over-proliferation of micromanagement, as well as the myriad additional political mouths to feed that has made our existing system cumbersome, excessively expensive, and in many cases ineffectual.
A replacement business administration structure for each State that is answerable directly to the Federal Government would be created, and would operate under the control of a Chief Minister as the head of each State – ultimately fulfilling the role of the States Chief Operations Officer.
This role would be virtually at the next level down from the Prime Minister – but would not be an elected role – they would be appointed by the current Federal Government to manage the operations of each State, thereby making the democratically elected Federal Government of the day ultimately responsible and financially accountable for each States overall performance.
The EAP believes that current political methods in Australia require several basic reforms, the greatest of which is honesty. To this end we propose creating an independent Office of Information that can be referred to by all parties, media, and the public alike for definitive answers and information relating to all governmental operations past, present, foreign, and domestic.
This Office will be intended to provide clear and true representations of information that is so often manipulated and misused by the Main Stream Media as well as politicians to support their own platforms and to discredit others … in short it is to ensure that we as the public know the truth, and can base our decisions accurately on reliable and factual information at all times and in all situations.
We support the introduction of an impartial Speaker of the House to be appointed into Parliament – one that has no allegiance to any party – thereby ensuring unbiased control for all.
We support the linking of political pay structures to the CPI rather than being proposed and voted upon directly by those who financially benefit from the outcome.
Parliamentary pensions and perks are to be dramatically overhauled. The role of a politician was never intended to be a career role where people become millionaires by exploiting funding from the public purse. This practice will be stopped.
Changes will be made to reinstate the same access laws and regulations that govern pensions and superannuation to the general public. Access to lifetime travel passes and other post-employment perks will be significantly capped or removed.
A transition period will be introduced to allow former parliamentarians to reintegrate back into the workforce, and once this period is completed all perks will be discontinued.
Breaches of the legal standards set for all citizens should also hold true for our politicians … any politicians found to be guilty in a court of law of any offence punishable by a jail term, or of significant abuse of power, misconduct, corruption, or exploitation will be removed from their role, have all financial benefits applicable to their position reviewed and subject to alteration, reduction, or revocation, and will be ineligible to run for or hold office again. All legal penalties will likewise apply.

To achieve this aim we propose a national alignment of ongoing expenditure for the funding and maintenance of a world-class health system nationwide.
This includes the introduction of a National wage structure for all nursing, medical, emergency, and associated professions.
Expenditure will be based upon offering worlds best practice levels of medical services provisioning to all areas proportionally based on regional population.
Testing and assessment of medical marijuana will be fast-tracked and pending results will be approved for usage in appropriate medical scenarios.
EAP is committed to achieving a national consensus on the subject of euthanasia, and the matter would be listed onto the National Register of Issues for inclusion as an e-Referendum.
Mandatory vaccinations are a highly contentious issue within society today, and are likewise high on our agenda. Extensive evaluation will be based on verifiable, honest, and factual information only, and this will be published freely to all and assessed to form part of this decision-making process. The matter will be listed for an e-Referendum once the full facts are known to all, and will enable us to reach an informed, accurate, and agreed decision that will be implemented nationally.
Expanded services and accommodation sites for young adults with disabilities will be funded to remove them from the Aged Care Nursing Home system and to provide them with the appropriate levels of care required within an age-appropriate environment.
Improvements in the Aged Care structure will be investigated based upon current Worlds Best Practices and introduced into the system as quickly as possible once due diligence is fully completed. To deal with our ageing population and the challenges this will present us with as a society, significant and extensive development in the Aged Care sector will be undertaken.

We propose creating an independent Office of Information that can be referred to by all parties, media, and the public alike for definitive answers and information relating to all governmental operations past, present, foreign, and domestic.
This Office will be intended to provide clear and true representations of information that is so often manipulated and misused by the Main Stream Media as well as politicians to support their own platforms and to discredit others … in short it is to ensure that we as the public know the truth, and can base our decisions accurately on reliable and factual information at all times and in all situations.
This will also include the practice of broadcasting partial facts to deliberately bias the delivery of factual coverage.
The persistent or repeated practice of these behaviours could result in significant financial penalties or even the prosecution and possible temporary or permanent cancellation of the offenders broadcast or publishing licenses.

We propose the undertaking of large scale development programs (similar to the Bradfield Scheme) of remote and rural regions deemed suitable to this goal.
Opportunities exist for an extensive synergy between our refugee and immigration policies, and also our Land Use policies in this and similar areas.
Assessment and development of improved farming techniques and the utilisation of organic soil engineering advancements are also to be considered.
EAP supports the banning of the live animal trade, combined with the promotion and development of onshore processing methods and facilities that meet all ethical and environmental requirements.
This is to be developed alongside an expanded National and International food transport infrastructure.
We intend to introduce new laws into the process of farming animals for food production to ensure the humane treatment of animals, and the provision of support to farmers who undertake this vital service to the general population.

We will institute National laws that will outlaw ‘puppy’ farms, and will prosecute those involved in the creation and operation of them, or those that profit from their operation.
Likewise, we will strengthen the current laws on dog fighting, and ensure those involved in the practice are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders rights are one area that will be addressed, this can be seen in our Indigenous Recognition policy.
The rights of immigrants – both legal and illegal – will be addressed (see Immigration Policy) to ensure we meet with world standards of ethical treatment – and more importantly – with our own high standards.
These and other changes are intended to position Australia as a world leader in political innovation and human rights – to establish and cement this reputation and perception Internationally – and to demonstrate our status as a wholly independent Nation, whilst still maintaining our heritage and cultural ties to our past.

This Commission will be responsible for:
The investigation and exposure of corrupt conduct anywhere within the public sector Nationally
Actively preventing corruption through advice and assistance to businesses and the general public
Educating the Australian community and public sector about corruption and its effects.
The jurisdiction of the ICAC is to extend to all public sector agencies and employees, including government departments, local councils, members of Parliament, ministers, police, and the judiciary.
The ICAC’s jurisdiction also extends to those performing public official functions, and those in private industry that provide services to, or represent the Australian Government.
Government officials and public service representatives that breach the conduct requirements or the laws of Australia will find themselves liable to prosecution, and may be subject to the removal of benefits and conditions normally enjoyed by the roles undertaken.
This would likewise apply to pensions and perks.

This is clearly evidenced by the steady stream of legal immigrants and genuine asylum seekers applying for entry to Australia, but even more clearly demonstrated by the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants. These people are willing to spend their life savings just to be able to risk their lives and the lives of their families for a chance to reach our shores and their perceived way of life in our lands.
EAP is proposing that after completing the correct formal application process to immigrate to Australia, then under strict control we could open our borders to these immigrants providing that mandatory requirements regarding location of residence, application of efforts, and a demonstrable commitment to integrating into the Australian way of life are willingly agreed to by the prospective immigrants.
This could include visas issued with behavioural conditions relating to the meeting of legal, social, and community-based standards, with breaches of the requirements incurring cancellation of visas and possible deportation.
More clearly stated – EAP believes that Australia fully supports and defends polytheism within our society. It traditionally has had a ‘live and let live’ attitude towards peoples individual choices and their religious beliefs.
The legal, peaceful worship of any religion that offers each and every individual the choice of worship and the full range of human rights is fully supported, however ANY religion, or specific religious practices which breach any individuals freedom of personal or religious choice, or the unquestionable rights of personal health or safety, subjects itself to the full weight of the laws of Australia, and as such any of these acts – even when made in the name of a religion – become illegal.
Immigrants to Australia that participate in such illegal acts bring themselves into a breach of their voluntarily agreed behavioural conditions, and are therefore liable to being deported to their country of origin, with NO opportunity to re-apply or to return to Australia. Any family or associates proven to be involved in, or actively supportive of these illegal acts are likewise subject to deportation.
The stated intentions of the EAP towards developing North West and North Central Australia for large-scale farming and agricultural development, along with the strengthening and growing of regional and remote centres throughout the rest of Australia, present a clear opportunity for us to offer immediate employment and development programmes for immigrants, and thereby better meet the high standards expected of Australia in its capacity as an active and responsible World citizen.
Improved evaluation and utilisation of recognised prior learning and the individual skills held within the pool of immigrants that are accepted into our country would provide us as a nation with improved development standards within these regional and remote areas regardless of specific location.
EAP supports the closure of all offshore processing centres as part of the above developmental structure.

To this end the EAP propose implementing the recommendations of the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (Final Report – Nov 2018).
This is an opportunity for all Australian citizens to acknowledge the first chapter of our Nation’s story, and to forge a stronger, united future together, with policies and programmes developed to ensure that the voice of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is appointed its place in the Constitution, that it is heard and acknowledged, and that the importance of both the history and the future of our nations indigenous cultures are recognised, preserved, developed, and nurtured.

This will take the form of ensuring Australia’s commercial, military, and financial structures are robustly independent of other Nations, and can withstand the vagaries of the world commodity markets without loss of operational functionality.
One point of focus will be ensuring Australia can become and remain independent of foreign lending and investment. The EAP believe that Australia has a unique ability to remain wholly self-contained and self-sufficient from International support should the need arise.
A major focus upon the construction and production capabilities for equipping our armed services will be a large part of this developing independence.
A redevelopment of all manufacturing industries will be undertaken within Australia to ensure that we are not dependent upon international sources for raw, refined, and manufactured materials that may be required.
Australia will retain the right as a sovereign independent Nation to not recognise or conform to any International treaties, articles, pacts, or strictures that are not in the best interests of the Australian people, or our Nation as a whole. This includes directives from the United Nations or other Nations.
This does not mean that Australia will withdraw from it obligations as a World citizen - this means we will prioritise the best interests of Australia and its citizens first and foremost, and offer what aid and assistance is within our abilities to provide from there forward.

EAP proposes that all sovereign lands within Australia's borders be protected and subject to a strict policy of ‘Australian Owned – Australian Lands in Australian Hands – whereby no property may be owned by a non-Australian citizen, or a non-Australian owned company – and any proposed exports of materials from the use of these lands and their contents are subject to governmental authorisation.
Many countries worldwide have this policy in place and strictly enforced – Australia should be no different to these – ensuring the ownership of our country remains in the hands of those born in Australia, or who become permanent citizens of Australia.
Lands that are currently under foreign ownership will be compulsorily re-acquired by the Australian Government from the current owners.
We will ensure that the current land owners will not be adversely penalised in the re-acquisition process by applying a reimbursement schedule whereby the purchase price plus a scale of interest based upon years of ownership will be calculated. This process will allow the Government to avoid any legal claims instituted under International Law.
All lands re-acquired by the Government in this process will be returned into the domestic property market thereby greatly increasing the availability of residential housing, and offering additional agricultural business opportunities. Any funds raised from the sale of the reclaimed properties will be returned to the National coffers.
Foreign-owned companies will be eligible to lease land within our borders as wholly international entities, with the usage of, and the activities undertaken on the land being fully subject to Australian law and taxation.

Factors influencing the degree of consideration received will include significantly increased penalties for offences against children, the elderly, or the disabled.
Offences committed by non-native citizens may also be subject to the revocation of visas, citizenship, and possible deportation.
We support debate on the raising of the legal age for the consumption of alcohol and tobacco from 18 years and 16 years respectively to 21 years. This takes into consideration the significant medical evidence that supports the negative social, health, and overall effects on the still-developing bodies and minds of our youth in general, and therefore our future generations.
We also support discussion through the National Register of Issues, and an eventual consensus via an ‘e-Referendum’ on the decriminalisation of marijuana through a controlled programme of registration and regulation.
This process has proven to be effective overseas as it has here with alcohol and tobacco, and has led to significant decreases in criminal involvement, as well as effectively reducing court lists, and police workloads.
EAP look towards the findings from the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) 2016 as a blueprint of worlds best practices for conducting the fight against the worldwide drug problem, and based upon our own specific circumstances will look to implement those findings best suited to our specific needs.
As stated in the Health policy, EAP is also committed to achieving a national consensus on the subject of euthanasia, and this would also be listed onto the National Register of Issues for inclusion as an e-Referendum. Should the result be positive, EAP would support the required variations to existing laws to accommodate this decision.
Legislation will be initiated by EAP to make ‘coward punch’ attackers and group bashing participants subject to increased penalties, with extensive media promotion of the expanded liabilities and penalties. Enhanced liquor service and lock-out laws will be evaluated and if deemed effective will be implemented nationwide as part of this action.
Individuals or groups inciting or promoting violence, civil disobedience, or terrorist activities will be subject to legal action which will carry penalties that range from incarceration to deportation.
Non-native citizens of Australia who leave our shores to support or participate in armed conflicts overseas without the authorisation of the Australian Government will be subject to immediate cancellation of their Australian passports, and face permanent bans from re-entering Australia. Individuals or groups found to be supporting these activities financially or otherwise will be subject to the same penalties.

EAP support the creation of an independent overseer specifically tasked to disseminate the current 88% concentration of media outlets to the existing ownership duopoly.
Limits to the range and magnitude of centralised ownership across all branches of media will be expanded to ensure the widest possible distribution of media sourcing.
The ABC and SBS will remain as national carrier/s of electronic and digital news that are independent of private funding to maintain impartiality.
They will be required to run no party specific political advertising, and they will be subject to the same Honesty in Media regulations as the private media outlets.

We will also institute a nationwide ban on fracking to ensure the integrity of our freshwater aquifers in all regions of Australia are not only maintained, but protected for the benefit of us all, and the long term future of our Nation.
EAP believes that the long term prosperity of our Nation lies in the use of our natural resources to our own best benefit, rather than from the bulk selling off of our nation cubic metre by cubic metre.
Foreign manufacturers currently bulk buy and process our raw materials, and then return them here at premium prices for finished products of unknown quality.
EAP believes that major heavy industries largely lost to Australia over the past few decades need to be encouraged and reinstated to allow us to become a truly independent and self-reliant country.
Australia currently relies heavily upon taxes earned from this bulk sell-off of raw materials, however, changes to our taxation methods (as outlined in our Tax Reform policy) could render our reliance upon this method of income obsolete, and allow Australia to conserve our precious natural resources for our own use and benefit.

We propose the conferring of full statehood to both the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, and ratify that they are to be considered as equal in law.

EAP seeks to ensure that anyone finding themselves in genuine need is eligible to apply for and receive a realistic ongoing financial benefit that will allow them to be able to live with dignity and independence until this need is resolved.
The main forms of support we propose are based on Age, Medical, Unemployment, Family, or Emergency criteria. Below are the criteria that their eligibility and availability will be dependent upon.
Age Pension All Australian citizens upon reaching 65 years will be eligible for this pension upon retirement from full-time work. It will be allocated per person, and regardless of their marital or relationship status. Simply put … one person – one pension.
Medical Pension Any person unable to work due to Permanent, Partial, or Temporary medical incapacity will be eligible to receive a medical pension. In all cases, any ongoing incapacity will be subject to medical substantiation and regular review as required.
Unemployment Pension Any person unable to find suitable employment within their abilities will be eligible to receive an unemployment pension. Ongoing access to this benefit is dependant upon meeting criteria demonstrating an ongoing commitment to seeking work, undertaking training, undertaking voluntary work experience, or performing social service activities as may come available during this period. This is intended to be a temporary pension available only until suitable ongoing employment becomes available.
Family Pension Any Family can at times find themselves in need and requiring of financial support. This benefit will be available to families faced with circumstances beyond their control that require some level of ongoing financial support to maintain the basic needs that a family faces on a day to day basis. The level of support required will be evaluated, and is subject to review as required.
Emergency Pension This benefit is available to people in emergency situations only. This may apply in situations such as natural disasters, domestic violence, or sudden bereavement. It is intended to ensure a safety net for any citizen faced with a sudden and/or catastrophic loss of support. It is intended for short term use only, and is subject to review as required.

With our existing infrastructure it is clear that an exponential increase in our population of 40% to 50% over the next few decades would undoubtedly place significant additional and unsustainable loads upon our existing roads, public transport, health, and education systems.
We envisage a more sustainable initial goal of 2% to 5% over the immediate future as the rollout of our existing and future infrastructure development progresses enabling our effective population growth.
As our existing population ages we need to ensure the steady maintenance and growth of our services, and to ensure the ongoing numbers of skilled tradespeople and service providers throughout the community.
To this end, EAP propose the development of skill centres aimed at utilising the knowledge and abilities of our older generations to pass on to new learners, who will then take on their roles in society to meet these needs.
This will ensure the passing on of the skills and knowledge necessary to the long-term maintenance and growth of our skilled workforce nationwide.
Immigrants to our country will be assessed in their own fields of expertise to help in developing and growing the numbers of skilled artisans in all fields of endeavour.

All Australians have the right to dignity, equality, and mutual respect – regardless of your nationality, your religion, or your beliefs.
Your rights are about being treated fairly and treating others fairly, and about having the ability to make your own choices about your own life.
These basic human rights belong to all of us – every single person, they cannot be taken away from us, and they are indivisible and interdependent.
We respect the right to freedom of religious beliefs – PROVIDING – they do not breach any existing or enacted Australian Laws.
Any activities that form part of any religion MUST comply with Australian Law, and no foreign or religious law can override the Laws of Australia.
This includes – but is not limited to – Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity (all forms), Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, and Wicca.
Any religious practices that breach Australian Law are subject to prosecution under Australian Law.

Combining this with our vast coastline and the ocean currents that pass our shores, oceanic turbine generators would easily provide us with endless non polluting, non-depletable, and non-invasive supplies of power.
Our aim is to work towards the elimination of reliance upon both fossil fuel and nuclear technology and their associated environmental risks entirely through the development both of these, and various other viable renewable energy generation systems.
Current ‘high risk’ exploration and processing methods including fracking will be immediately stopped nationwide to more fully investigate and evaluate the environmental implications of using this type of technology.
In line with EAP’s policy to end our countries dependence upon fossil fuels for power generation, subsidies to the coal industry will be phased out over a progressive schedule as the generation capacity of the replacement technologies is phased in. This is to ensure no loss of functionality or reduction of supply quantity or quality is experienced throughout the network.
Ongoing investment into solar farms and oceanic current generation technology will be initiated, with development funding to be allotted to designs deemed to be commercially viable for large-scale production. Development of commercial high-speed recharge stations, or changeover points for battery / storage / booster units will likewise be fast-tracked.
The above items demonstrate the massive opportunity for Australian scientists, engineers, and manufacturers to become world leaders in the further development of these new industries – industries that we have already begun developing and in some cases lead the world, giving us the opportunity to become the world standard in green technology and clean energy utilisation.
This is also true of the transportation industry. The reliance on fossil fuel dependent transportation will likewise be phased out on a progressive schedule as electric transportation steadily replaces the existing redundant technology.
The loss of the existing local motor vehicle production industry throughout Australia leaves production facilities significantly unused. EAP support the retooling of these facilities to enable a large-scale electric vehicle industry to be developed, and for the development of export markets.

We seek to simplify and rationalise this system.
Our current tax system is overly complex and heavily favours both the ultra-rich and multinational corporations – at the expense of ordinary citizens.
To fund the proposed changes to our methodology, structure, and our future development as outlined by EAP, it is proposed that we decide upon equitable methods of taxation and revenue – to assign one equal and fair taxation method upon all citizens and companies – with no exceptions. This is – the 4% Expenditure Tax system.
The obvious question is “How can we generate sufficient revenue to fund all the necessary services through only this 4% Expenditure Tax?”
The answer is simple! The Expenditure Tax will be applied equally to everyone without exception! It works by taxing your spending, not your earnings. In other words, you pay no tax on receiving any money (like wages, rent, or sales) – you simply pay a flat tax of only 4% on all outgoing payments made.
This method of taxation will apply to all individuals, companies, and corporations that operate and trade in Australia without exception. It is intended that this new method of taxation will replace ALL existing taxes, charges, and levies that currently apply – except for import customs and excise duties/tariffs on foreign manufactured goods entering or Australian goods leaving the country.
To be absolutely clear this means we will no longer pay: Income tax, GST, Payroll tax, Company tax, Capital Gains tax, Council rates, Car registration fees, Land taxes, Stamp Duty …
In short – there are NO OTHER TAXES – NONE WHATSOEVER! No more BAS statements, tax returns, tax compliance issues, paperwork, and no more headaches – ALL GONE!

This is a plan that will create jobs , encourage manufacturing to return to our shores, and is expected to allow individuals, families, and businesses to flourish unlike any other prior time in history.
How It Works The Federal, State and Local governments currently inundate the Australian people with approximately 125 different taxes, fees, levies, and rates which raise approximately $430 Billion in revenue in total annually, which is then apportioned to the 3 levels of government and is used to fund everything from welfare to education, healthcare, defense, infrastructure, and other services. If we as a Nation spend more than this it is borrowed internationally (i.e. this becomes or adds to our National Debt).
According to the Federal Treasury, the Reserve Bank of Australia, and APCA (Australian Payments Clearing Association), in the financial year 2014 to 2015 there was over $50 Trillion dollars processed through the Australian payments system (outgoings, not incomings).
Because the 4% tax is automatically applied through the Australian payments system that includes direct entry payments, cheque processing, credit and debit card payments, EFTPOS payments, and payments made through the high-value clearance system, etc. there is no need for any individual account keeping, tax compliance, tax returns, BAS statements or any other paperwork as it is all processed and recorded automatically and efficiently. Easy!
Now, you do the maths – 4% of $50 trillion = $2 Trillion! That is more than four times the amount of tax currently collected by the existing system of over 125 different taxes, fees, levies, and rates!

Due to the incredible stimulus effect this policy will have on the broader economy, we expect that the value of retail payments in particular will rise. Therefore, based on actuarial modelling, we expect that a 4% debit transaction tax will conservatively generate in excess of $1.5 Trillion in tax revenue to the Government.
In addition to this $1.5 Trillion in tax revenue, the Government through the RBA will have access to an additional $120 plus Billion every year to spend on infrastructure. This money is created by the RBA to account for the private banks wiping off the digital money they created out of thin air and lent into circulation via their ledger entry system (creating ‘on paper’ loans without any actual backing capital), which we will end.
As all existing loans are repaid to the private banks, the banks wipe off the principal portion of the money they created out of thin air. In order to help keep the inflation rate at zero by keeping the broad money supply at the same level per head of population, the RBA has to recreate this digital money, transfer it into the consolidated government revenue fund, and then spend it into circulation by building infrastructure.
The End Result? … by combining over $1.5 Trillion collected through the 4% Debit Tax, an additional $120+ Billion via the RBA balancing, and further income collected in Customs and Excise duties on foreign imports, a balance of over $1.62 Trillion with which to “run” the country will be available. That is more than TRIPLE the current revenue collected.
All of the following is possible:
Continuing and expanding fully funded health and educational services
Abolishing all toll roads and vehicle registration costs, yet still providing and developing new 1st class infrastructure
Increasing the living conditions of senior and disadvantaged Australians who rely on the pension
Building a world-class high-speed rail network to connect all major Australian cities
Significantly increasing funding to roll out residential renewable energy (combining locally developed and manufactured grid-connected battery systems that can store any excess power generated for use)
Increasing the size and capability of our National territorial defense forces
Consider the following When all existing taxes are once and for all done away with and replaced with a 4% Debit Tax, everyday Australians will be keeping more of their income and thus have more available money to spend.

Everything you purchase can also become cheaper as businesses can improve upon their profit margins while still lowering the sale prices of all their goods and services because they are no longer being taxed into submission, therefore they will not need to build the additional cost of all the taxes into their products. Thus, everyone will have more available money, and everything that you purchase will be cheaper.
When people have more free money, what do they do? They spend more! They buy new televisions, new appliances, new furniture, new cars, new houses and so on. People go out for dinner more often, they can take holidays more often, and they enjoy life more.
As the average Australian is set free from the cycle of taxation and poverty they start to spend more, and businesses start to boom. In fact, companies start receiving so much additional business they will have no choice but to hire more employees to deal with all the extra business they receive. Thus, new jobs are created across the board!
Manufacturers would be encouraged to come and manufacture goods in Australia, because they no longer have to pay all these oppressive taxes and are no longer burdened by all this regulatory red tape, thus, further new jobs are created … Australia will again become a manufacturing powerhouse of high-quality goods, bringing many more new jobs!
Spending upwards of $120 billion per year of debt-free money on massive national building infrastructure projects will bring Australia into the 21st century. Multiple thousands of jobs will be created over the next 25 years as we build high tech mag lev train lines, drought-proof water pipelines from the Kimberly, solar roads, renewable energy power plants, and many more such visionary projects that improve the lives of all Australians, and all consequently creating more and more jobs.
It is logical that companies will start offering better pay, better working conditions, and will of their own volition choose to improve the safety of their workplace – not because of government inspection and threats of prosecution – but they will improve their workplace safety because they will want to retain employees. They will offer better facilities, more flexible working arrangements and other incentives; so basically, it becomes a workers paradise. But will businesses be complaining? Absolutely not!, because they will not be paying all these additional taxes, and they will be receiving more and more business as the economy fires up like never before!
All of these things happen as a natural consequence of liberating the economy by introducing this new taxation policy.
Whilst aged and disabled pensioners will be far better looked after under this system with the pension rate increasing significantly per fortnight and free health care, the overall government expenditure on welfare won’t increase significantly, due to the need for the family tax benefit and unemployment benefits being significantly reduced or even made largely redundant.
So, workers will be happy and prosperous. Businesses will be happy and prosperous. Everyone will have a real chance to significantly improve their living conditions and lifestyles. We will become savers, not borrowers. We will no longer need to become debt slaves to banks for more than half our lives. Cases of depression and suicide will decline. Divorce rates will reduce and families will be happier as fighting over lack of finances become a thing of the past. Life expectancy will increase as people will be able to afford healthier lifestyles and we no longer stress about lack of money.
Australia could become the greatest Nation on Earth … if only we the people choose to make it so!

We believe that overall the FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) broadband option offers far better long-term benefits, and will better meet the future needs of all Australians.
The EAP will work to ensure the rollout of this programme to replace the current lesser options that are already quickly becoming outdated and obsolete.
Further investigation into the proposed use of the 5G system will undertaken to ensure the safety of the technology for its use and impact upon people and the environment.
Satisfactory results must be achieved before any progress on the rollout of the system will be allowed to occur.

Our goal is to find or develop both existing and new methods of processing our waste that will allow us to get down to a nett 5% or less of solid mass waste.
Development of waste to energy plants across the Nation will be investigated and assessed to allow for the efficient on-shore processing of our non recyclable materials.
Beyond our own borders we seek to contribute our efforts to find a solution to the Pacific Garbage Patch - an oceanic vortex of floating rubbish that is over 1.6 million square kilometres in size.
Government support will be made available to those institutions and companies that can demonstrate progress in the initial design and improvement of processing methods and equipment.

The flood and drought cycles that occur throughout our lands offer us the ability through effective planning, construction, and management to virtually drought-proof our country to a degree never before achieved.
Correct engineering would allow us to re-invigorate all of our major waterways, and protect our native animals that are dependant upon a healthy aquatic ecosystem.

The proposed 2 stage Bradford Scheme is a major project that would provide significant employment opportunities while providing massive additional water flow into a redeveloped Eastern waterway system, and is one that the EAP would fully support. Similar opportunities exist on the Western coast of Australia and would be similarly developed.
Restrictions on the collection of water from natural rainfall will be repealed, and access to natural waterways and a fair usage share based on the needs of the land or stock utilising the lands will be entrenched into the rights of landowners.
The ability to buy and sell water (which is constitutionally banned) will be removed entirely, and all large-scale water trading will end.

A growing proportion of young adults are unable to find themselves these opportunities, and are becoming demotivated by the current processes used in an attempt to rectify this.
For those unable to proceed into further education or into existing work structures we are proposing a number of programmes building around each individual’s interests.
We propose creating teams that assist and train in the fields of Horticulture, Agriculture, Aged Care, Construction, Child Care, Catering, & Nursing – virtually every field where there is a need to assist others as part of an upskilling of individuals working towards eventually going into independent or private sector full-time employment.
The EAP believe that Young Adults with Disabilities currently residing in Aged Care facilities need custom built facilities that can cater to their intellectual and emotional needs outside of those offered in the Aged Care system. We will dedicate all necessary resources to develop this structure within Australia as part of our overall Health system improvements.
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