

What we intend to achieve in the following areas :

  • Electoral Reform – to make voting a modern, simple, and secure process to ensure the will of the people is heard, without fear of interference

  • Governmental Reform – to restore confidence in the honesty and transparency of government – to streamline and clarify the process of governing this country effectively and economically

  • Health – to ensure the best possible fully funded universal health coverage is available to all citizens as a basic right, including achieving consensus on euthanasia and the use of medical marijuana

  • Tax Reform – to ensure ALL Australian citizens and companies share and benefit equally in the minimised generation and maximised utilisation of the tax revenues raised that are required to effectively operate our economic and social structures

  • Education – to provide a world standard fully funded education system that is available to all Australian citizens

  • Human Rights – to support the basic rights and freedoms to which all people worldwide are entitled … to life and liberty, to freedom of thought and expression, and to equality before the law

  • National Status – to recognise our native peoples fully within the law and constitution, and to promote the establishment of an Australian Constitutional Democracy while maintaining all links to our heritage

  • Land Ownership – to end all foreign ownership of Australian lands, territories, and infrastructure – ‘Australian Lands in Australian Hands’.
    To protect and preserve our native lands, to acknowledge traditional owners interconnectivity with the land, and to ensure the best usage for the benefit of all Australian citizens now and for future generations to come

  • Law Reform – to introduce stronger laws specifically relating to crime against the most vulnerable, to evaluate the legal age of consumption of tobacco and alcohol from both medical and societal perspectives, and to achieving consensus on marijuana use.
    To protect all Australian citizens from the threat of violence and menace within the community at large, and to ensure that Australian Law is held as the highest and only law structure within our lands

  • Renewable Energy – to actively support and promote the development, growth, and realisation of alternative energy generation systems, to invest in the development of large-scale solar-powered electrical vehicle technology and production

  • Horticulture & Agriculture – to invest in the development of our land usage and farming techniques to promote large-scale production for overseas distribution, to protect access to water and water rights for relevant production industries, and to stop the overseas live animal trade while developing onshore processing capabilities

  • Immigration – to develop a more thorough control of the immigration process and best use the assimilation of successful immigrants into Australia and its way of life to the benefit of all Australians – both immigrants and citizens alike

  • Technology – we support an FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) solution as being more cost-effective and for longevity. EAP will re-introduce the rollout of this upgrade nationally

  • Population Growth – EAP is in favour of a controlled, low level of population growth to ensure the maintenance of our current way of life and to allow for the steady development of our infrastructure to support future growth

  • Youth – we will place a focus upon the upskilling of those unable to continue into further education or into existing work structures through community training schemes. Additional services and facilities will be developed for Young Adults currently in the Aged Care system

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