Australia’s future is in the hands of its people, and its future is wholly ours to decide – and no-one else’s.
To this end we propose that Australia asks of its people to ratify our international status as a strong and independent country with its own mind and intent.
Our goal is to reinstate the original Australian Constitution – with some modification – and to resume our position as the true Commonwealth of Australia as originally authorised under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act as authorised by the Queen of England and her successors.
The original Australian Constitution abdicates ultimate control and ultimate power of veto unto the Queen of England and her successors in all matters – yet allowing the subjugation of the will of a Nations peoples by the ruler of a foreign land is not reflective of a modern independent Nation.
In this manner will lie the modifications to our Constitution, thereby changing ourselves from a Constitutional Monarchy to a Constitutional Democracy – while still retaining our ties and traditional connections within the World at large – but solely under our own determination and control.
We intend to move out from under the straw corporation structure purporting to be the ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ as registered as a corporation in the United States of America as COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CIK#: 0000805157
This issue will be decided upon utilising our proposed ‘e – Referendum’ system, and the decision ratified through Parliament once the results are confirmed.
We will bring about the introduction of an Australian Bill Of Rights, to apply to all Australians, and to guarantee the inalienable rights as set out within it. These are to be determined and agreed upon via an e-Referendum.
We propose the recognition of ALL Australian states and territories to be considered as equal in law, and propose the conferring of full statehood to both the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.
EAP believe that full and equal recognition of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is required within our Constitution.
This is an opportunity for all Australian citizens to acknowledge the first chapter of our Nations story, and to forge a stronger, united future together. See our Human Rights policy for further information.
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